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Evaluating Gro Health for Type 2 Diabetes Management

Who: RMIT School of Health and Biomedical Sciences in collaboration with DDM Health UK, Diabetes Australia, Parkside Specialists Clinic

What: This project investigates the effectiveness of the Gro Health app compared to standard care for managing Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Gro Health, an award-winning digital health platform, offers AI-enhanced tools for behaviour change, and has been implemented in the NHS and other healthcare systems across six countries. It supports personalized interventions in nutrition, exercise, mental well-being, and sleep, available in 18 languages. The randomized controlled trial aims to compare its impact on HbA1c levels, cardiovascular risk factors, and quality of life over 12 months among 100 participants.

Gro Health has demonstrated feasibility and cost-effectiveness in managing chronic conditions like obesity, pre-diabetes, and T2D, showing significant improvements in weight loss, blood glucose levels, and T2D remission. Integrating Gro Health into primary care could enhance patient self-management, glycaemic control, and overall quality of life, offering scalable, inclusive healthcare solutions and reducing healthcare costs


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