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Revolutionising Surgical Training with the OR-X Project

Who: RMIT School of Health and Biomedical Sciences in collaboration with Centre for Digital Innovation & Learning and Teaching Design Team

What: The OR-X project, a collaboration between Cisco and University Hospital Balgrist, aims to transform surgical training through advanced technologies. Cisco provides the essential networking infrastructure, while the University Hospital Balgrist, renowned for its expertise in musculoskeletal disorders, contributes its medical knowledge. The project seeks to create an interactive and immersive training environment that integrates high-definition video streaming, real-time data sharing, and potentially augmented or virtual reality elements to simulate surgical procedures. The OR-X project is expected to enhance the realism and interactivity of surgical simulations, leading to improved skill acquisition, surgical precision, and patient outcomes. This initiative aims to set a new standard in surgical education, with the potential for widespread adoption by medical training institutions globally, driving further innovations in medical training technologies and methodologies.


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