Posted on / by HTL / in NIIN case studies

RMIT Health Virtual Hospital – A Shared Education Resource

Who: RMIT School of Health and Biomedical Sciences in collaboration with Centre for Digital Innovation & Learning and Teaching Design Team

What: In collaboration with Professor Sophia Xenos and health disciplines, the Digital Health and Technology Education Team at RMIT, along with the Digital Innovation Hub and Teaching and Learning Design Team, is developing a Virtual Hospital education resource. This project provides students with realistic healthcare simulations from Year 1, integrating detailed case studies within Canvas courses to teach digital health and technology’s impact on patient care. Currently in Phase 1, the team is designing an “Electronic Patient Journey Board (EPJB)” for scenario-based learning. This prototype will be piloted in the “Foundations in Digital Health” course in Semester 1, 2025, to gather feedback for further development.


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